Sunday, February 26, 2006

I am quite exhausted, but, nevertheless, I had a good and relaxing afternoon/evening. After working from 6am-1pm, I came home and started to watch Walk the Line (I still have an hour to go, but I will most likely post my thoughts on it tommorrow evening. It is really good so far. In the mean time, you can find a great review at Cinema Blend.

Of course, as I have mentioned, today was my father's birthday. So, we had a nice steak dinner and delicious cake. Also, I went for two nice long walks in the woods the last two nights with my dad. It is really tranquil and you can literal walk as far as you so wish without coming to an end. As long as I can remember, my family has taken walks along the paths out back of our house. Unfortunately, I no longer get towed behind in a sled. The trees have started to slowly grow over the path more and more over the last few years so my dad and I may take up the task of clearing it back some this summer.

I ended up watching The Constant Gardener last night. It tended to go a bit slow at the start, but picked up a lot after about 45mins - 1 hr in. I normally do not enjoy movies of this topic as much as some, but it did have an engaging story; it could have just been told more smoothly ie. less fractured. One thing I keep hearing about that did not bother be while watching, but got me thinking afterward, was how unbelieveable a relationship the married characters had. They have the cliched "opposites attract" relationship. She only takes an interest in him to go to Africa and he only seems to take interest in her once she is murdered. Despite this lack of plausability, the movie was really enjoyable and the ended is fulfulling.

Items of Note:

Alzheimer's Progresses Faster in Educated People: Alzheimer's has hit my family hard. I have little real memories of my grandfather who contracted the disease when I was very young and just about a year ago my great-aunt was diagnosed. Unlike other diseases which are extremely painful for the individual, Alheimer's seems to hit the families the hardest as they lose the real individual to this disease. My great-aunt was, and still is, one of the most wonderful people in my family, she cared so much for everyone and it is hard to see her unknowingly change like this. It is truly devistating and I can only hope that they can prevent it from happening to others in the coming years.

Star 26 light years away could harbour alien life
: Not that it is even proven or that it will see any development in my lifetime, but still cool nonetheless.

Explorers Discover Huge Cave and New Poison Frogs: Despite milleniums of exploration, it is truly astounding how unique and vast our planet is.

The world’s most advanced LCD TV - 56-inch and 3840 x 2160 pixels
: Wow; impessive, yet unnecessary? I wonder how much it will cost and when it will become the norm.

Off to finish Walk the Line now and to hit the sack early.

Listening to: Tom Vek - "If You Want"


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