Sunday, March 04, 2007

8:50PM RST - Might As Well Be Summer

Today was the nicest day we have had so far: sunny with a light breeze that had the temperature as high as 20 degrees celsius. A matter of fact, it's still warm enough tonight to have the window open at 10 degrees right now. Besides school work this evening, had a nice walk around Poitiers to show Sarah the parc Blossac this afternoon. I also had churros for the first time from one of the vendors that are often around the city. As well, the water flow has risen really high since I have been away this week and the other park near my house is now impossible to traverse.

Now I should probably briefly summarize our trip. On Tuesday morning, I left for Nantes. I had not traveled alone before, but after a bit of time getting my bearings, I was able to find my way around quite easily. I was able to visit all of the things on my list aside from the Jules Verne museum. After that, I went to my hostel and then began to trek my way to the concert venue, L'Olympic. The directions I printed off were very good until near the end when I was not quite certain if I was going the correct direction. At which point, two guys in a car, Nicolas and Fabien, pulled over to ask me if I knew how to get to L'Olympic. I told them I was looking for the same place and they offered me a drive. We eventually found it and were there at 6:30. I for some reason had thought that the concert started at 7, but it did not start until 8:30. Therefore, I hung around with them speaking French for the next two hours.

The concert was great. The Spores were supposed to be opening, but ended up cancelling the rest of their European tour. The band that opened were awful, but the Eagles of Death Metal put on the best show I have even seen. A ton of energy from them as well as the crowd.

I then had about 2 hours of sleep before getting up for my train the next morning. Was able to find Sarah without much trouble even though she originally told me over the phone the wrong terminal she was at. The hotel we stayed in was very nice, especially for the price, including a very full breakfast every morning. We were able to see much of everything is Paris and we have enjoyed very good weather so far.

Other than that, having a great time and very little class this week. Need to get some shopping done this week as well.

Take care,
