Friday, December 22, 2006

Anticipation is settling in

One week from today, I will be boarding my first flight in Saint John to travel to Paris via Toronto. I imagine that this week will go by very quickly as, with most people, it is packed with stuff to do.

Eric Savoie and myself (another UNB Saint John student who is staying in Poitiers) made our way up to Fredericton to purchase International Student ID cards. I had planned on going to the CFMH Christmas party, but decided against it. As well, I work tomorrow and then have a going away party with a fairly large group of friends tomorrow evening/night.

Other than that, I filled this previous week with relaxation and preparation. I've come across several great Add-ons for Firefox including Sage (an RSS reader), Performancing (a blog editor), Foxytunes (media player), and Forecastfox. As well, both Oink (a music private tracker) and BitMeTV (a TV private tracker) have loosened up their ratio rules for the holidays, so I have been actively downloading a fair amount of tunes and TV.

Items of Note:

The phenomenon of teachers accused or convicted of having sex with their students has come to the forefront of national and international news in recent years. A fairly interesting read including full accounts of female teaches accused and convicted of raping their students. Some of them are noteworthy including on person saying, essentially, that if a male teacher had done the same thing, he would have received several years in prison.

Listening to: "Those Pockets are People" by Electrelane

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